Play Matters.

It’s our family motto. If there is learning that needs to be done, we’re playing. Playing and learning go hand-in-hand. Especially for little humans.

Allowing kids to learn with their hands and set their own limits for activities is imperative to raising confident and well-rounded kids, in my opinion.

Our activities break down into 5 different categories:
Invitation to Create – these are activities that are set out and I let the boys use their own imaginations to create. Any of our open ended art projects go here
Invitation to Learn – these are activities that are set out with a goal in mind, but I allow the boys to get to the destination their own with their own methods. I typically don’t step in, and allow lots of trial and error with these activities.
Fine Motor – any activity that works those fine motor skills!
Sensory – we love a good sensory activity. All of our sensory bins and sensory play will be here
STEAM – This is that common term that everyone knows, with a caveat: Science, Technology, Engineering, ART, Math. A lot of people overlook art as a vital school subject, but we believe that all 5 of these themes are vital for well-rounded learning!

There is a lot of overlap in these categories and a lot of time one activity will hit two or even three categories, but I have them separated out so you can pick what you’re looking for with ease!