2020 Fall Semester Language Arts Curriculum Review – 1st Time Homeschoolers

2020 Fall Semester Language Arts Curriculum Review – 1st Time Homeschoolers

Here is part 2 of my fall semester curriculum review. For part 1, click here. We used The Good and The Beautiful for language arts as well,…

2020 Fall Semester Math Curriculum Review – 1st Time Homeschoolers

2020 Fall Semester Math Curriculum Review – 1st Time Homeschoolers

2020 threw some serious curveballs. No one was exempt from the chaos and drama of the year. We all had to make major adjustments on how we…

Don’t Tell Me to “Suck It Up”

I saw a post on Facebook today that said we as adults need to just suck it up. Show our kids that everything that is being cancelled…

To My Baby Born In the Middle of a Pandemic

To be fair, it wasn’t even the middle of the pandemic. It was the very beginning. It was before we knew what we were truly dealing with….

How & Why I Completely Reorganized our Curriculum 3 Weeks Into the Year.

After week 2 of homeschool, I still thoroughly enjoyed The Good and The Beautiful, but Torchlight wasn’t hitting the same. I felt like we were just trudging…