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Paper Plate Flowers

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Paper Plate Flowers
Paper Plate Flowers

“Spring” is in full swing here in Houston. Pollen count is at eleventy-billion “extreme” levels and we’re fluctuating between 30° and 90° on a daily basis 😂 Aside from everyone’s allergies going crazy, we’re mostly enjoying the nice weather that is trying to hang around.

I saw these paper plate flowers floating around on Pinterest a couple weeks ago and mentally filed it away. It was the perfect craft to pull out when we needed something that I could use for all 3 kids. These were the perfect afternoon activity after a busy morning of running errands and darting between car and store in cold, windy weather.

You don’t need much for these flowers. In fact, you probably already have most of it in your craft cabinet


• Paper plates, the cheap, thin ones – I used regular dinner plates, but next time we’ll use smaller lunch plates
• Scissors
• Tempera paint sticks – we used these
• Craft sticks for the stems – I used plain wooden ones and used the paint sticks to color them green
• Green craft foam for the leaves
• Glue Stick

We started off by cutting some lines around the outside of the plate for the start of our petals. Then, cut a small diagonal snip out to give it that real flower look. I let Brixton and Colston work on their scissor skills for the first part, but I helped with the second one.

Next we went to town decorating! Paint sticks are so fun because you get the look of paint, but it’s like using a marker instead.

When the paint was dry (which was pretty quick, only a few minutes) we flipped them over and glued the craft sticks to the back and then the leaves to the “stem”.

The boys couldn’t wait to give their flowers to their teachers the next morning. It was all Colston talked about all night long and woke up still making sure he was able to give them out 😂

Have you tried paper plate flowers? If you try them, we’d love to see! Tag us on Instagram @thebplusmama and give us a follow to see what we’re up to on a day-to-day basis!

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