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Kitchen Skills – Part 1

Kitchen Skills - Part 1
Kitchen Skills – Part 1

**This is part 1 of a multi-part series**

Like most moms, I feel like my kitchen is the heartbeat of my house. Someone is almost always digging through the pantry for a “snack”. Always, y’all. AL.WAYS.

Feeding three growing boys is a full time job in itself, but in order to eventually drop the title of “full time snack getter” I’ve decided to teach them how to feed themselves and maybe let me get an extra 10 minutes of sleep here and there 🤞 It’s a work in progress, for sure, but since they’re showing an interest now I’m trying to foster that and teach them how to safely manage themselves in the kitchen before they realize it’s a lot of work sometimes.
In my perfect world, they’d each cook one night a week and then suddenly I’m only responsible for figuring out dinner 4 nights vs 7. We aren’t anywhere close to that yet, but maybe in a few years 😅

I started with Brixton a little over a year ago, when he was almost 3. I bought a set of “kids safe” knives, and while they actually ARE safe enough to let kids use, please make sure there is an adult supervising. We started with something relatively easy: broccoli. I cut a head down into stalks, and then let him trim them down to more of a floret size. This was waaay before my blogging days, but I knew it was something I’d want to remember, so I set up my phone and recorded the process. The whole 20 minutes it took. Then sped it up, because no one has time to watch 20 minutes of a 3 year old cutting broccoli 😩

Brixton loved this, and talked about it for probably a solid 2 weeks. And this was when the lightbulb went off that letting the kids help in the kitchen might not be such a bad thing 💡

I try to invite at least one of them in to help me every week. We make all sorts of things:
⚈ scrambling eggs
⚈ french toast
⚈ chopping veggies
⚈ adding veggies and seasonings to crockpot
⚈ baking brownies

⚈ pizza
⚈ setting out taco toppings

We made pizza for dinner last week and each of the boys got to “dress” their own. I scooped some sauce on their crust and let them spoon it around.

Then they topped it with cheese!

They were so excited to make them, and then devoured them once they came out. I mean, pizza is always devoured at my house, but this even works with non-favorite foods. Like veggies. Whenever more veggies are left on the plate than eaten, I invite a helper into the kitchen the next night. If they have a hand in making it, they are so much more likely to actually EAT it later. Even if brother helps, the “kid touch” helps entice everyone into eating.

So far, they aren’t allowed to use the stove or oven, because I’m not trying to visit the ER or have the fire department at my house. But they get themselves breakfast most mornings. Yogurts and cereal. Nothing fancy, but for a 3 and 4 (almost 5 😩😩) it’s the best thing ever. Because they get to do it on their own. And I get to sit and enjoy my coffee for a few minutes in relative peace quiet 🙌

What do you make in the kitchen with your kids? We’re always looking for new ideas! Let me know in the comments or tag us on Instagram @thebplusmama and give us a follow to see what we’re up to on a day-to-day basis!

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