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How & Why I Completely Reorganized our Curriculum 3 Weeks Into the Year.

How & Why I Completely Reorganized our Curriculum 3 Weeks Into the Year.

After week 2 of homeschool, I still thoroughly enjoyed The Good and The Beautiful, but Torchlight wasn’t hitting the same. I felt like we were just trudging through it. Not to say I don’t like the material, because I really do love it. Something just felt *off*. As I gathered materials for week 3, I noticed that there were things that had just been put away from week 1. I commented to a friend that prepping for the week felt like more work than necessary.
“Then change it. Make it work FOR you instead of you working for it.”
What?? That is an option?? 🤯🤯🤯 This was my actual face when I realized that nothing was holding me to the exact schedule provided. I CAN change the order of the weeks,. I can make the curriculum fit to our needs instead of trying to make our family fit into the curriculum.

And so began a weekend of rehashing the entire pre-k Torchlight curriculum. I love the themes, I love the book choices, I love the planned activities. What I don’t love is the order. I don’t typically go all out for themes, but I do like to try and have some extras prepped for the kids. Sensory bins, playdoh kits, activity or subscription boxes, books, movies, all the extra stuff. I realized that each week the themes would shift wildly. This makes it really hard to set out bigger play scenes or hands on activities. With Covid putting a damper on most things anyway, I want to try and make some solid memories for the boys without going places. But there are 4 of them and 1 of me, so I also need something that will last for more than a week.

Instead of touching on habitats in week 1, and then not again until week 5, I decided to just reorder the weeks! I moved all the animal/habitat units to fall in line together so it would be easier to have some more elaborate supplemental set-ups. In my head this was going to be an easy switch. In reality, it looked like a scene straight out of the movie A Beautiful Mind 🙈
But it worked! Now all our curriculum is laid out in a method that makes sense to ME.

I’ll update again once we have a week or two under our belts! We still have some extras to add into our day and I’m thinking of introducing a loop schedule for ease, but I need to feel out this new change first 😀

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